Once again, it's been a while since we've updated this blog. Sorry! Not to fear, I have some delightful news to share :)
Well actually it's not really very delightful, but it sure is colourful! These are Vanessa's pics. So we had a little 'tea party' yesterday at Veronica's- thanks again for the kitchen vee! Apart from the rainbow minicakes, other highlights include almost setting her house on fire and overdosing on sugar :D
But before I go ahead with other things, I'd like to wish Vanessa a very happy birthday!!!!! :D I hope you find happiness in all you do :)
Now for the less important matters, we went to Sculptures by the Sea at Bondi again this year. How was it? Personally it was just o-k. I thought the sculptures last year were a little more interesting, or perhaps it was because the wind went crazy and nearly blew us off our feet!

2011 and 2012
Anyway it's getting late. Time for some brunch! Have a wonderful week everyone :)
Lurve, Chloe