I loveeee watching movies and I love going to the cinemas to watch newly released movies.
The only problems with cinemas these days is;
- Expensive expensive expensive! Ridiculously expensive ticket prices & food. The last time I checked it was $18.50 for an adult $21.50 if it's in 3D or in VMAX and $26 if it's in 3D& VMAX at Event cinemas.You could buy a decent meal with that money.
- Dirty cinemas.
- Annoying people.
So anyway, I watched 'GRAVITY' last night (run time 91 minutes).
Here are some questions I made up and answered myself (hehe).
What was the movie about?
Gravity is a 2013 3D space drama film co-written, co-produced, co-edited and directed by Alfonso Cuarón. The film stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as surviving astronauts from a damaged Space Shuttle. The film is pretty much about the 2 astronauts who fight to survive after debris from a satellite destroys several space stations and threatens to leave them stranded in space.
Did the movie meet your expectations?
My expectations were high. I had been looking forward to this movie since the first time I saw the trailer on TV. I had heard a lot of positive comments beforehand and was expecting a lot.
My expectations were high. I had been looking forward to this movie since the first time I saw the trailer on TV. I had heard a lot of positive comments beforehand and was expecting a lot.
The movie didn't meet my expectations. But then again, maybe they were too high. The movie started off strong, it was captivating and thrilling and exciting- I was so excited, I mean who isn't excited by space?! There were some beautiful shots of our dear planet Earth. (and of Mr. Clooney's face).
What was the cinematography, music, acting like?
I watched this film in 3D and I thought the images were great. Some of the shots of Earth were really beautiful, though they were brief shots. Music was good- I mean I really don't know how to describe music in words. Tense? Suspenseful? Loud?
If you are claustrophobic and get car sick easily, this won't be a comfortable movie for you. About 30 minutes in the spinning starts- and doesn't really stop till the end. Sandra Bullock was great in it I thought, she played her character quite well but got a little whiny and annoying in the middle. George Clooney was wonderful *Swoons*. This film had a very small cast- I only remember 2 characters.
I think the main problem I had with this movie was that it felt a little stale, that the storyline could've been padded more.
Would you recommend this film to others?
Yes, I recommend watching this movie in the cinemas- if not for Clooney then for the beautiful shots of Earth & space. Would you pay extra for the 3D experience? Yes- normally I'm not a fan of 3D movies because they're only 3D for about 5 of the 90 minutes and it drives my brain nuts. However, because it does in this case add to your overall experience I would say yes to spending the extra 3 dollars. Be warned though- you might still be seeing stars after the film finishes. (haha pun)
