Slept rather late last night, coz I had a sudden craving for "Red Velvet Cupcakes!" First time I ever tried them was at 'Cupcake Bakery' and omg they're good! Essentially, it's a Vanilla Sponge cake with a hint of chocolate (coz u have to add a little bit of cocoa powder)...and it is known for its pretty red colour! (as u can see below in my mixture...)
And since its not really possible to go shopping for cupcakes at 2am, I thought that i'd make them nice and earli in the morning! (just to realise..I didnt have half the ingredients at home!)
OK! So...its been quite a good few weeks, since i've woken up soooo sooo earli!! (7:30 now that's pretti earli for me these days!X) ) Drove to Woolies to buy sum buttermilk...yes i HAD TO use buttermilk coz apparently it is what makes Red Velvet cakes so fluffy and yummy and spongy and yeh! :D

So after my trip to Woolies...getting buttermilk, eggs, sugar, flour (all da typical stuff) I got home all excited and started baking!...just to realise that I forgot to buy Cream Cheese......FAIL!:(:(:( What's a Red Velvet cake without the Cream Cheese Frosting! I was so desperate I ended up power walking to the petrol station near my house whilst the cupcakes were in the oven..I only had 10 min, to go there and back or my house would probably b burnt down!
Sadly, they didn't have any....I gave up and ended up heading to the ct instead to eat lunch..cupcakes....would finish later....
Walked past Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant a couple of times, but the lines were always so crazy! Ended up lining up for 1 hr today~! Got given a buzzer and during that hour I just went to Dymocks and bought a cakeee booook !!!!!!! Huppy Huppy MEEEE X)
The food was YUMMMYYYY...ordered a starter...Arancini balls, which is like Risotto b
alls coated in a batter and then deep yummy:)! Took them
a while to get our mains out though which annoyed me! was worth the wait! Had a Prawn Linguini and a Truffle Risotto. Ordered a large risotto...but I suggest you just order the entree serve if u're not that hungry coz its quite rich and creamy and can make u sick if u eat too much!...but the truffle oil smell was so strong and amazing!

So basically, lesson learnt is that if you're in a hurry...DO NOT GO TO THIS RESTAURANT..but otherwise by all means go try it! The quality is reli reli gud! (but obviously, that just means that it leans towards the pricey side)
So after my tummy satisfying meal, I bought my cream cheese and rushed home to complete my cupcakes!!! Mixed the cream cheese frosting with icing sugar and double cream (which is a much much better cream than normal cream..coz it thickens up and is a lot more creamier!)..oo...remember to add a bit of Vanilla Extract!
And VOILA! <3 Piped the cream cheese frosting onto the cupcakes I made in the morning....YUMMYYYY :D

Busy busy but awesome day! Now time to nap.....GUDNITE!
good work vanessa! i see waking up early has paid off. you should post up your recipe!