14 November 2011

Sunburnt by the sea

AARGH IM SUNBURNT. We went to Sculptures by the Sea at Bondi today, I thought I had enough sun protection - a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen, I guess I should have worn more sunscreen.

Sculptures: A lot of fun, some very beautiful artworks. I think I have many favourites, the giant tap definitely one, and..... the photo frame, which I do not have a picture of :(

Our friend Felix trying to turn it on, obviously not strong enough. 

 Shh a secret! 

 Being the asians that we are, we simply couldn't resist this pose.

Aaarghh lion pack! 

andd.....We're floating! 

The Toad family! 

What's up gold man?! 

It's printed so it must be true!

Thanks a lot to Felix and Putra for taking these photos!

Weather: Top of 35 degrees today, the sun came and went but toward the end it got really angry and sizzled us! Next time will have to come prepared with more sun protection. Oh and bring LOTS of water! they do have taps there but the water comes out milky coloured ... ={ doggies enjoy it though.

Overall experience: delightful!! apart from the sunburn and the long walk with lots of stairs and steep hills.

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