03 December 2011

China #4: The Great Wall

Did you know that the Great Wall of China spans roughly from Sydney to Perth? So says my 11year old brother.

The weather cleared up today in Beijng, no snow and clear skies, lovely photo weather :) but still freezing. My first thought when we got there was 'how the hell did they build that?!?!?!?' IT is truly incredible. A little creepy if you think about all the people buried in the wall during the construction though, but after visiting it isn't hard to imagine how easily they would've fallen off the steep mountain sides. The steps are so hard to climb, so steep and dangerous looking, a good leg workout! Definitely worth visiting if you haven't already.

We had MOngolian food for lunch, it was reeeaally good! Really nice ambience and service as well. But maybe cause I was really tired from all the climbing. (Will upload better photos when my computer can access social websites again) Man, If i keep eating at this rate I'm gonna come back looking like an inflated pumpkin hhehe x)

Also visited the museum. Too little time to check everything out though.

At night we watched an acrobatic performance- just wow. The things you can achieve with hardwork and practice! One of the acts was the ball of death, the motorbike scene from the simpsons movie with homer and the carni guy, except this was real and it had 5 people speeding on bikes in the dome at once :| so cool!!!!

Anyway, exhausted and really wanting a warm shower. Till tomorrow my friends,

<3 Chloe, who can't feel her toes anymore.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAha i was there last year!!!! YAYYY looks like u're having heaps of fun! and im amazed at how u upload all this stuff through ur itouch i hate typing with those keyboards!!!! <3 Its such a habit for me to go home and start uploading these days! HAHAhaa WHEEEE
