So since Miss Chloe has been updating even in the land of no social networking I thought that I should try and figure out how to fix up my blog...and be able to start posting again!!:):)
SO! I've bene in HK for...3 days already! X) And what's happened? Nothing much except eating, shopping, sleeping (A LOT)...still jet-lagged...(or maybe i'm just being lazy and dun wanna wake up)
So whilst Miss Chloe has been watching operas and ballets and cool things and freezing in the snow...i've been doing quite the opposite! HK weather has been rather crazy! First day I got here it was super duper hot and today it dropped to 13 degrees!
Let me start with my plane was a rather long 9 hours...separated from my dad coz the plane was packed! (it was good though coz I didn't have to hear him nagging) But...I was sandwiched between a guy and a granny...i hate those 4 seaters!! Makes me feel so bad needing ppl to move each time I need to go to the bathroom!:(:(:( HAHA so basically, I watched Friends with Benefits again, and finally Bridesmaids! Gosh i love chick flicks..but what was so awkward was that whilst I was watching FWB, the Chinese granny (hu was super cute) kept leaning over to look at what I was watching..but omg...she'd always peep at the worst times...and the worst scenes (bed/intimate/kissing) T_______T i was so embarrassed!!! I was so tempted to ask her if she wanted my headphones so she could watch too! (Or put on subtitles for her)

My 'refreshment' during movie marathon~!
Got home that night and realised my handcarry was still left at the airport! Super noobness!:( After numerous fonecalls, the airport staff had found it... so had to go to the airport the next day to collect it..another 2 hr back and forth journey but I got my Polaroid backkk!! So happy happy!:)
OK! I'm getting tired typing up my 3 days worth of adventures into one mayb i shud blog more often! Lemme show u sum piccies!!! Of HK thus far!

Dinner at Din Tai Fung (HK one is so much better than the one in Sydney!)

The Deep Fried Pork chop that promotes his restaurant on the streets..he's been here for a few years...LOL

HK packed with ppl...(Causeway Bay..where I go pretty much every day)

Took a random photo of an alleyway on the way ho
me one night...

My Place:):)

Lunch with Tim at one of our fav. places but its not as nice anymore!:( Disappointment!

Another dinnerrr...

Waiting for the bus...decided to take a nice piccie..that little blue lit up thing on top of the bus and in-between the two apartments is The Peak..a nice tourist attraction!

My favourite Egg Balls!! (So they're like waffles made out of egg and flour and its just so so crispy and fluffy and niceee!!

My first proper purchase!! Japanese blush brush from Japan!! HEehe
SO YESH! that is all for now!! Will keep posting soon WHEE!!!!
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